البراجرافات المتوقعة للصف الثالث الثانوي الازهري
أهم برجرافات الصف الثالث الثانوي الترم الثاني الجزء الأول
سؤال البرجراف من الأسئلة الأساسية في امتحان اللغه الإنجليزية وفي هذا المقال سوف نقدم لكم أهم برجرافات المتوقعة للصف الثالث الثانوي الترم الثاني.ولكن قبل كتابة الموضوع يجب أن تعلم أن:
عند كتابة الموضوع يجب أن تفكر فى بعض أفكار للموضوع وتكتبها فى مسودة draft فى نهاية ورقة الإجابة.
يمكنك أن تسأل نفسك بعض الأسئلة عن هذا الموضوع لكى تحصل على بعض الأفكار.
يجب ان تضع أفكارك حول جملة أساسية تلخص هذه الأفكار مثل.
The internet has an important role in a lot of fields.
وإليك الآن أهم برجرافات الصف الثالث الثانوي الأزهري الجزء الأول
The role of women in our society
دور النساء في مجتمعنا :
There is no doubt that a woman plays a remarkable role in our life. She is considered half of our society. She has worked hard side by side with man in many fields .As a doctor,she manages to achieve a great success. She works day and night to help sick people. In the scientific research, there are great female scientists who made great contributions. At home, a woman has a wonderful role . She looks after her children and supports her husband. This role is her greatest role in life. When she looks after her family, she helps the whole society to be more developed. In conclusion, the role of women in society is essential to build a powerful society.
Pros and cons of working abroad
مزايا وعيوب العمل بالخارج
Living abroad is so different from living at home.when you live abroad, you you have to adapt to life there.In this essay,we are going to discuss the pros and cons of living and working abroad.
On the one hand, when you live abroad, you learn about different cultures and traditions. You acquire new skills and habits.you also learn a new language which can help you in different ways you meet different people and make new friends
Some people travel abroad to work and study and get a degree
You may find different opportunities there to live a comfortable life.and change your life
On the other hand.
You may face different challenges
when you travel abroad
If you can't speak a foreign language, life will be difficult there.
You may also take a long time to dapt to life there . Some people suffer from home sickness and they can't adapt easily so they prefer to return home.
To sum up, living abroad may be a difficult experience for some people but they learn a lot of different things..
The benefits of volunteering
فوائد التطوع
Volunteering is very important nowadays. It has a great importancet for man and society as well. Volunteering helps man to acquire new skills which helps him in his life . It enables man to be more sociable as he deals with different people. When he helps people for free this makes him feel good about himself. It helps them to gain more experience about different fields . so .he becomes more qualified for a job The most significant importance is that volunteering is good for the mental health of the volunteer .For a society ،volunteering is an essential pillar. It helps to spread the spirit of love, tolerance, brotherhood and cooperation in any society. In conclusion, it's clear that volunteering is of a great value for man and society
The advantages and disadvantages of social media
مزايا وعيوب وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي
Social media websites havea great role in our society nowadays . We can't imagine our life without them. Sociable Media websites have some advantages and some disadvantages .On the one hand, these websites a good means to communicate with people all over the world. We can get the latest news while we are sitting at home. We also can get a job through these websites. A lot of people can work and earn money. It's a great way to share your ideas and interests with other people. On the other hand, these websites have some disadvantages. Some people waste their time on these websites. They may harm their eyes and back. Some people may face bullying online. These websites can teach young people bad habits.
To sum up, social media websites like anything in our life have merits and demerits so we should use it carefully.
The job I'd like to do in the future
الوظيفة التي أحب القيام بها في المستقبل.
Everyone has a dream and they work hard to achieve it. For m, I want to be a doctor. That's my dream. I know it's a difficult dream but I have the ability and determination to reach it. I am a student at a secondary school. I have a lot of difficult subjects and I work day and night to be a doctor. I like this job for different reasons. Firstly, lt has a good position in society as all people like and respect doctors. Secondly, They have a great role in society. We can't imagine our life without them. Thirdly, although doctor's life is always busy but he he lives a comfortable life. To sum up, that's my dream and I work hard to achieve it.
The most important Invention
أهم اختراع
The importance of the internet
أهمية الإنترنت
The internet is the most important Invention nowadays. It has changed our life a lot so what's the importance of the internet ? It has a great importance in the modern age. In the field of communication, we can communicate with each other easily. We can contact our friends in remote areas easily. In the field of education. Teachers are able to learn new ways of teaching thanks to the internet. It paves the way for students to get knowledge and information. They can download books from the internet easily. The can also watch videos while they are at home. In the field of medicine, the internet has helped doctors to do their work efficiently. It helps them in their work.
To sum up, it has become clear that the internet has become an .important thing in all fields of life
Modern technology
التكنولوجيا الحديثة
Modern technology is very important in our life.
. It has changed our life a lot so what's the importance of modern technology? It has a great importance in the modern age. In the field of communication, we can communicate with each other easily. We can contact our friends in remote areas easily. In the field of education. Teachers are able to learn new ways of teaching thanks to the internet. It paves the way for students to get knowledge and information. They can download books from the internet easily. The can also watch videos while they are at home. In the field of medicine, the internet has helped doctors to do their work efficiently. It helps them in their work.
To sum up, it has become clear that the internet
The job I'd like to do in the future
الوظيفة التي أحب القيام بها في المستقبل.
Everyone has a dream and they work hard to achieve it. For m, I want to be a doctor. That's my dream. I know it's a difficult dream but I have the ability and determination to reach it. I am a student at a secondary school. I have a lot of difficult subjects and I work day and night to be a doctor. I like this job for different reasons. Firstly, lt has a good position in society as all people like and respect doctors. Secondly, They have a great role in society. We can't imagine our life without them. Thirdly, although doctor's life is always busy but he he lives a comfortable life. To sum up, that's my dream and I work hard to achieve it.
A book you have read recently
كتاب قراءته مؤخراً.
Reading is very important to learn different things. It makes our life different and better. I have read a book recently. It's called the Old man and the sea . It's about a fisherman called Santiago. He is a poor fisherman and he doesn't catch a fish for more than 84 days. He decides to go into the sea to catch a big fish. After a long time, he manages to catch a very big fish. After he puts it on the boat, the sharks attack Santiago and his fish. He fights the sharks bravely but they can eat it . Santiago returns to his home with the skeleton of the fish. He is very tired. When the other fishermen see the skeleton of the fish, they realise that he is a great fisherman. I learn from this story to be patient and strong. I also learn that it's important to do your best to achieve your goals. It's a n interesting book and I recommend it to you if you like adventure story.
The role of scientists in our life
دور العلماء في حياتنا:
There is no doubt that scientists have a great role in our life. They have made it easier and more comfortable. We can see this role in all fields of life. They have helped farmers to produce more crops. They have helped them to protect their crops from different diseases. In the medical field, we can treat a lot of diseases thanks to the great efforts of scientists. They managed to discover new treatments for fatal diseases.in the field of communication, we can communicate with each other easily. We can get the news faster than before. The whole world has become a small village now. In conclusion, we should appreciate the great role of scientists who work day and night to make our life easier and spare no effort to solve our problems.
How life will be in the next 50 years
كيف ستكون الحياة في الخمسين سنة القادمة:
It's clear that life is changing rapidly nowadays and in the future it will be more different. In this paragraph, we will write about our predictions about life in the next fifty years. How will life be? In the field of communication, there will be the technology that helps us to communicate with each other easier and faster. There will be more apps that enable people to do what they want. In the field of agriculture, people will be able to turn parts of the desert into green land. Education will be different from today. Students will learn at home. The internet will help them to learn everything they want. In the field of transport, we will have electric cars and buses that use renewable energy. These cars will be good for the environment. We may also have driverless cars . There cars won't have drivers. The computer will control them. Our roads will be safer than now. Finally, it's clear that thanks to modern technology and science our life Will change greatly in all fields of life.
Modern technology
التكنولوجيا الحديثة
Modern technology is very important nowadays.
. It has changed our life a lot so what's the importance of modern technology ? Does it have any disadvantages? Let's discuss this topic together. On the one hand, It has a great importance in the modern age. In the field of communication, we can communicate with each other easily. We can contact our friends in remote areas easily. In the field of education. Teachers are able to learn new ways of teaching thanks to the internet. It paves the way for students to get knowledge and information. They can download books from the internet easily. The can also watch videos while they are at home. In the field of medicine, the internet has helped doctors to do their work efficiently. It helps them in their work. On the other hand, modern technology has made some problem. Cyber bullying is very common nowadays. A lot of people face it and They can't deal with it. Some people think that modern technology has made people lazy. They want everything quickly.
To sum up, it has become clear that modern technology has become an important thing in all fields of life
but we should try to reduce its disadvantages
How to remain employable
كيف تظل صالح للعمل
The job market changes everyday and this change requires new skills and new qualifications. To remain employable is a very creative idea. It's a very a great question that we should ask How can we remain employable? and how to get a good job. When we look at the job market, we can predict what skills we need in the future. Computer skills have become part and parcel in our life so it's necessary to Master them . Experience is another thing that you need to remain employable. When you take an internship in a company you don't get money but you get something which is more valuable than money. It's experience. It will make your CV better. Mastering languages is very important in Job market so you must take courses. Learning a new language is a great tool that helps you to get a good job and to remain employable. Finally, we can say that to remain employable, you should get new skills experience and learn a new language. These are important pillars for you.
The role of youth in our society
دور الشباب في مجتمعنا:
Youth are the backbone of any society. They are the pillars of progress and prosperity. What is the role of youth ? They play a very remarkable role in building modern societies. That's because they have the energy and skills to do this. They work in different fields to achieve success. There are many creative scientists who have made great contribution to our society. They have succeeded in solving different problems. They can turn the desert into green land and produce more crops. They also can deal with modern technology and benefit from it for the good of their countries so it is important to appreciate the great role of youth and provide them with what they need to achieve progress