حل امتحان practice exercise 1 للصف الاول الثانوي الترم الثاني

حل امتحان practice exercise 1 للصف الاول الثانوي الترم الثاني

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Choose the correct answer:

1_  Hana loves animals so she wants to be..............
.........هنا تحب الحيوانات لذلك تريد أن تكون
الإجابة vet طبيبة بيطرية 
2_ After the accident , Lara couldn't walk and she had to use a ...............
بعد الحادث لم تستطع لارا أن تمشي لذا    
اضطررت إلى استخدام
الإجابة Wheelchair كرسي متحرك 
3_ I want to go to university to study 
for a............
....أريد أن أذهب إلى الجامعة للدراسة من أجل
الإجابة degree درجة علمية 
4_ I still don't know what happened to my pen It is ....,...........
...........لازلت لا أعرف ما حدث لقلمى ، إنه
الإجابة mystery لغز
5_ A nurse is a hard _working person .............is caring and reliable.
الممرضه هى شخص مجتهد التى ترعى الآخرين ويعتمد عليها.
الإجابة who التي 
6_ you............ use your phone while you are driving. It's dangerous.
أنت.......تستخدم تليفونك أثناء قيادة السيارة 
إنها خطورة 
الإجابة mustn't لا يجب 
7_ If Samia ............. the entrance test, she will go to Cairo university.
،لو ساميه  .......امتحان القبول سوف تذهب 
الى جامعة القاهرة 
الإجابة passes تجتاز
8_ The teacher asked............
the students had understood The explanation.سأل المعلم........ أن الطلبة فهموا الشرح 
الإجابة whether اذا


Education is essential for students of different ages all over the world .It is the process of achieving knowledge, values, skills and positive habits.
التعليم أساسى لكل الطلاب من مختلف الأعمار فى كل أنحاء العالم. هو عملية تحقيق المعرفة والقيم والمهارات والعادات الإيجابية.

علينا أن نفخر بالرياضيين الأكفاء الذين فازوا بميدليات فى شتى البطولات كما يجب أن نعطيهم الرعاية الكافية ليستمروا فى تحقيق  النجاح  
We should be proud of efficient athletes who won medals in different champions. We should also give them enough care to continue in achieving success.

                                     _ Online education is


a way of learning using technology.
Which of these students might prefer to learn online..

الإجابة A disabled student.
 Which of the following is important if you want to learn online ?

الإجابة a fast internet connection.
4_ What is the best summary of the 
last paragraph?

الإجابة The tips of online education.

can be  disadvantages of online education.
الإجابة shortage of equipment.

 Online education ..

الإجابة spreads more and more.
_ Online education is..
flexible.    الاجابة


A book you have read recently

كتاب قراءته مؤخراً.

Reading is very important to learn different things. It makes our life different and better. I have read a book recently. It's called the Old man and the sea . It's about a fisherman called Santiago. He is a poor fisherman and he doesn't catch a fish for more than 84 days. He decides to go into the sea to catch a big fish. After a long time, he manages to catch a very big fish. After he puts it on the boat, the sharks attack Santiago and his fish. He fights the sharks bravely but they can eat it . Santiago returns to his home with the skeleton of the fish. He is very tired. When the other fishermen see the skeleton of the fish, they realise that he is a great fisherman. I learn from this story to be patient and strong. I also learn that it's important to do your best to achieve your goals. It's a n interesting book and I recommend it to you if you like adventure story


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