البراجرافات المتوقعة للصف الاول الثانوي الترم الثاني.
البراجرافات المتوقعة للصف الاول الثانوي الترم الثاني:
عزيزي الطالب سؤال البرجراف هو واحد من الأسئلة الأساسية في الامتحان ولكى تحصل على درجة عالية فى هذا السؤال يجب عليك أن تراعى النقاط التالية:
1 _ يمكنك أن تكتب جميع أفكارك فى اخر ورقة فى الامتحان draft أو مسودة تكتب فيها كل ما تحب ثم تقوم بنقله فى مكانه الصحيح.
2_ لابد أن تفكر فى بعض الأفكار قبل البدء فى كتابة الموضوع.
3_ لكى تحصل على هذه الأفكار يمكنك أن تسأل نفسك بعض الأسئلة عن هذا الموضوع لكى تحصل على بعض الأفكار.
4_ لا تنسى أن تضع تلك الأفكار حول جملة واحدة. مثال :
.Pollution has three kinds
التلوث له ثلاثة أنواع.
ثم تتحدث عن انواع التلوث و هكذا.
البراجرافات المتوقعة للصف الاول الثانوي الترم الثاني.
Personal cleanliness
النظافة الشخصية.
Health is very important in man's life
.It's more important than wealth We should keep our health . How ?can we do this There are many ways to keep it . It's important to wash your hands with water and soap before and after meals. Brush your teeth twice a day. You should always take a shower when the weather is hot . Don't forget to clean your house regularly. You must change the bedding at least every week. Always put your trash in the trash can. Don't leave it inside your house for a long time. You should cover your food to protect it from flies and insects.
To sum up, it's necessary to follow the rules of personal cleanliness to
live a healthy life
Good Education
التعليم الجيد.
Education is very important to man's life. It's a tool by which we can achieve progress and development. What's the importance of education?
It's important for individuals and nations. For individuals, it helps them to live a comfortable life. With it, they can get a good position in society. They also can earn money and live a happy life. It enables individuals to understand the world around them . They can deal with other people well. For nations, education is the best means to achieve progress. Without it, people suffer a lot . It helps nations to keep pace with the developed countries.
To sum up, it's clear that education is very essential not only for individuals but also for the whole nation.
The job I'd like to do in the future
الوظيفة التي أحب القيام بها في المستقبل.
Everyone has a dream and they work hard to achieve it. For m, I want to be a doctor. That's my dream. I know it's a difficult dream but I have the ability and determination to reach it. I am a student at a secondary school. I have a lot of difficult subjects and I work day and night to be a doctor. I like this job for different reasons. Firstly, lt has a good position in society as all people like and respect doctors. Secondly, They have a great role in society. We can't imagine our life without them. Thirdly, although doctor's life is always busy but he he lives a comfortable life. To sum up, that's my dream and I work hard to achieve it.
A book you have read recently
كتاب قراءته مؤخراً.
Reading is very important to learn different things. It makes our life different and better. I have read a book recently. It's called the Old man and the sea . It's about a fisherman called Santiago. He is a poor fisherman and he doesn't catch a fish for more than 84 days. He decides to go into the sea to catch a big fish. After a long time, he manages to catch a very big fish. After he puts it on the boat, the sharks attack Santiago and his fish. He fights the sharks bravely but they can eat it . Santiago returns to his home with the skeleton of the fish. He is very tired. When the other fishermen see the skeleton of the fish, they realise that he is a great fisherman. I learn from this story to be patient and strong. I also learn that it's important to do your best to achieve your goals. It's a n interesting book and I recommend it to you if you like adventure story.
The most important Invention
أهم اختراع
The importance of the internet
أهمية الإنترنت
The internet is the most important Invention nowadays. It has changed our life a lot so what's the importance of the internet ? It has a great importance in the modern age. In the field of communication, we can communicate with each other easily. We can contact our friends in remote areas easily. In the field of education. Teachers are able to learn new ways of teaching thanks to the internet. It paves the way for students to get knowledge and information. They can download books from the internet easily. The can also watch videos while they are at home. In the field of medicine, the internet has helped doctors to do their work efficiently. It helps them in their work.
To sum up, it has become clear that the internet has become an .important thing in all fields of life