The IELTS Vocabulary

The IELTS Vocabulary

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السلام عليكم الزوار الكرام وأهلا وسهلا بكم 


IELTS Vocabulary

This vocabulary will help you with all parts of the test 


IELTS Education Vocabulary

The Word: Graduate

The Definition: To complete a first university degree successfully

 An example sentence: I graduated from the University of Salford in 2009

My graduation ceremony was in 2009                                                      



The Word: Curriculum

The Definition: The group of subjects studied in a school, school, college, etc

 An example sentence: Schools must ensure they have an excellent curriculum



The Word: Qualification

The Definition: An official record showing that you have finished a training course or have the necessary skills, etc

 An example sentence: Good qualifications are really important if you want to get a well-paid job



The Word: Coursework

The Definition: Regular work done by students as part of a course but assessed independently of formal exams

 An example sentence: The coursework on my degree was really difficult



The Word: Co-educational

The Definition: When male and female students are taught together in the same school or college rather than separately

 An example sentence: Co-educational schools prepare students for their future better than single-sex schools



The Word: Cheat

The Definition: To behave in a dishonest way in order to get what you want

 An example sentence: He did really well in his exams, but he cheated. He copied from a friend

Cheating on exams is not recommended                                                    



The Word: Literacy

The Definition: The ability to read and write

 An example sentence: Literacy rates have declined considerably in Western countries, most children are literate



The Word: Illiterate

The Definition: Unable to read and write

 An example sentence: Many children in the poorest countries are illiterate



The Word: Primary (elementary) Education

The Definition: First years of formal education from around age 5 to 11

 An example sentence: A good primary education is crucial for a child's development



The Word: Secondary Education

The Definition: Education during the times as a teenager

 An example sentence: I loved it at my secondary school as I had so many friends



The Word: Higher (tertiary) Education

The Definition: Non-compulsory education after finishing school, such as university, as well as vocational education and training at colleges

 An example sentence: 60% of children now go into higher education after they finish school



The Word: Concentrate

The Definition: To direct your attention or your efforts towards a particular activity, subject or problem

 An example sentence: It is difficult to concentrate on my work if there is a lot of noise

I keep losing concentration due to the noise                                                     



IELTS Work Vocabulary


The Word: Employee

The Definition: Someone who is paid to work for someone else

 An example sentence: The company has several hundred employees



The Word: Employer

The Definition: A person or organization that employs people

 An example sentence: Employers monitor their employees very carefully these days



The Word: Employment

The Definition: When someone is paid to work for a company or organization

 An example sentence: Due to the recession, there are thousands of people looking for employment

I was employed in the company for several years                                                     



The Word: unemployment

The Definition: Not working

 An example sentence: Levels of unemployment in the economy have been rapidly increasing

He has been unemployed for 6 months now                                                      



The Word: commute

The Definition: To make the same journey regularly between work and home

 An example sentence: It is taking longer for people to commute to work because of traffic problems

Commuting to work everyday by bus is tiring                                                      



The Word: Occupation

The Definition: To complete a first university degree successfully

? An example sentence: What is your occupation



The Word: Career

The Definition: Working life or a particular job during one's

Working life that gets better in terms of salary and position                                   

 An example sentence: He is retired now but he had an amazing career (= successful working life)

He hopes to have a career in the army                                                      



The Word: Profession

The Definition: Any type of work which needs special training or a particular skill, often one which is respected because it involves a high level of education

 An example sentence: The teaching profession is not as good as it used to be because salaries have decreased



The Word: Salary / Wages

The Definition: Money paid each month to an employee for their work

 An example sentence: Public sector salaries are not keeping up with inflation

He receives a good wage because he works for a prestigious company                                                      



The Word: Public Sector 

The Definition: Businesses and industries that are owned or controlled by the government

 An example sentence: You get a good pension if you work for the public sector, but the salary is not always so good



The Word: Private Sector

The Definition: Businesses and industries that are privately owned

 An example sentence: Most graduates hope to work in the private sector when they finish university as there are more opportunities and the pay is better than the public sector



The Word: Retire

The Definition: To stop working because of old age or ill health

 An example sentence: The retirement age in most countries is 65

He had to retire early due to ill health                                                      



The Word: Flexitime

The Definition: Working a fixed number of hours but having flexibility with start and finish times

 An example sentence: They have introduced flexitime at my work place so I usually start at 10am now and finish at 6pm




The Word: Resign / Quit

The Definition: To leave a job

 An example sentence: He resigned from his job yesterday

Don't quit your job unless you have another one to start                                                     




The Word: Fire / Sack / Dismiss

The Definition: To remove someone from their job, especially because they have done something wrong

 An example sentence: He was fired / sacked / dismissed because he was late for work every day



The Word: Vacancy

The Definition: A job position that is not filled and so is available

 An example sentence: I spoke to the company, and they said they had several vacancies




The Word: Overtime

The Definition: Working more than your contracted hours

 An example sentence: The employees often work overtime but they are not given extra money, so it is not fair



The Word: Shift 

The Definition: The time worked in a job that is not normal hours

 .An example sentence: She is a nurse, so she has to work in shifts. One week she does the morning shift, and then the next week she will do the night shift

Shift work can be very tiring                                                   





IELTS Science Vocabulary


The Word: Placebo

The Definition: A drug which has no physical effects, used in pharmaceutical tests to compare the physical effects of taking a real drug from its psychological effects

 An example sentence: She was given a placebo, not the real drug, but she said she felt much better



The Word: Placebo Effect

The Definition: The placebo effect is when someone's condition improves because they think they are taking medicine

 An example sentence: She was given a placebo, not the real drug, but she said she felt much better- that's the placebo effect



The Word: A side effect

The Definition: An extra, usually bad, occurrence caused by taking a drug

. An example sentence: Drugs should not be tested on animals because there are many possible side effects

Much of today's modern medicine has said effects. I prefer alternative therapies                                                      



The Word: Proof

The Definition: To show a particular result after a period of time

. An example sentence: The amount of evidence that scientists now have proves that climate change is being caused by humans

We test done have proof that climate change is caused by human activity                                                      



The Word: Experiment

The Definition: A test done in order to learn something or to find out whether something works or is true

 An example sentence: Experimenting on animals is necessary in order to discover if new drugs are dangerous or not

Scientists are conducting experiments to test the effectiveness of the new drug                                                      



The Word: Gene

The Definition: A part of the DNA in a cell which contains information in a special pattern received by each animal or plant from its parents, and which controls its physical development, behavior, etc.

. An example sentence: Genes are an important factor in personality development

The doctors think his illness was genetic. It came from his mother because she had the same illness when she was young                     



The Word: Genetic / Engineering / Modification

The Definition: Changing the structure of the genes of a living thing in order to make it healthier or stronger or more useful to humans

 An example sentence: There is evidence that genetically modified food is harmful to humans

Some plants have been genetically engineered to be resistant to herbicides                                                   



The Word: Genetically Modified Organisms ( GMOs)

The Definition: Plants, animals or microorganisms that have changed through genetic engineering

 An example sentence: Most commercialized GMO crop plants are insect resistant and/or herbicide to learn



The Word: Clone

The Definition: A plant or animal which has the same genes as the original from which it was produced

 An example sentence: The first animal to be cloned was Dolly the sheep

I believe that doing humans is unethical                                                      



The Word: Geoengineering

The Definition: The deliberate large-scale intervention in the Earth's climate system, in order to try and control global warming

. An example sentence: Some scientists believe geoengineering is the only way to reduce the warming of the climate 

Controlling the weather by geoengineering is a possible solution to climate change, but it is controversial    



The Word: Cyber

The Definition: A prefix for things related to computers, especially the internet

 .An example sentence: Cyberbullying via social media such as Facebook has become a major problem

A cybercafe is a place where you can buy drinks and use computers at the same time                                                    



The Word: High - Tech / Hi - Tech

The Definition: Using the most advanced and developed machines and methods

 An example sentence: Japan is a very high-tech country. Everyone has all the latest electronic gadgets



The Word: Theory

The Definition: A formal statement of the rules on which a subject of study is based or of ideas which are suggested to explain a fact or event or, more generally, an opinion or explanation

 An example sentence: There are two opposing theories on the causes of climate change - one says it is caused by humans, the other believe it is a natural cycle




IELTS Arts Vocabulary


The Word: The Art

The Definition: Art forms created by humans, divided into visual literary, and performing

 An example sentence: The government should not waste money on the arts. This should be spent on public services instead



The Word: Culture

The Definition: The systems of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion that are shared by a relatively large group of people

 An example sentence:  The culture of a country is reflected in its art

Cultural differences can cause problem if you do business in another country                                                     



The Word: Creative

The Definition: Relating to or involving the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work

 An example sentence: He is an incredibly creative person - he's written many books and plays, and he can paint as well




The Word: Classical

The Definition: Music that is considered to be part of a long especially formal tradition and to be of lasting value

 An example sentence: I prefer classical music such as Mozart and Bach to modern day pop music



The Word: Musical

The Definition: A play or film in which part of the story is sung to music (noun) OR  A skill in or great liking for music (Adjective)

 An example sentence: The Phantom of the Opera is one of the best musicals that I have ever seen           

Everyone in the family can play an instrument - they are very musical                                                      



The Word: Opera

The Definition: An art form in which singers and musicians perform a dramatic work combining text and music, usually in a theatre

 An example sentence: Opera is not very popular amongst young people these days



The Word: Theatre

The Definition: A building room, or outside structure with rows of seats, each row usually higher than the one in front, from which people can watch a performance or other activity

 An example sentence: My hometown does not have any theatres. There are many in the capital though



The Word: Performance

The Definition: A show or action involving the entertaining of other people by dancing, singing, acting, or playing music

 An example sentence: His performance as MacBeth was amazing

 There will be a performance of a famous play at the Lyceum Theatre tonight                                                     



The Word: Festival

The Definition: An organized set of special events, such as musical, art or film performances

 An example sentence: The Cannes Film festival has some great movies this year

 The local council organizes a music festival in my town every year                                                      



The Word: Exhibition

The Definition: An event at which objects such as paintings are shown to the public

 An example sentence: There will be an exhibition at the weekend to show all of his latest paintings 

His paintings were exhibited at the local art gallery over the weekend                                                     



The Word: Sculpture

The Definition: The art of making two - or three- dimensional representative or abstract forms, especially by carving stone or wood

 An example sentence: The museum has many life-sized sculptures of past Kings and Queens of England




The Word: Abstract

The Definition: A type of painting, drawing, or sculpture that uses shapes, lines, and color in a way that does not try to represent the appearance of people or things

 An example sentence: Jackson Pollock is one of the most famous abstract artists. He famous for dripping and splattering paint onto his canvas



The Word: Display

The Definition: A collection of objects or pictures arranged for people to look at, or a performance or show for people to watch (= being shown)

 An example sentence: Jackson Pollock's most famous paintings are on display at the Tate Modem Art Gallery in London for 10 days



The Word: Inspired

The Definition: To be filled with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative

 An example sentence: Shakespears plays have inspired many young people to take up writing and acting

 His method of acting really inspires me                                                        



The Word: Artefact

The Definition: An object that is made by a person, such as a tool or a decoration, especially one that is of historical interest

 An example sentence: The museum in town has many artefacts that were found in the local area. Most are tools from the Stone Age



The Word: Choreograph

The Definition: Compose the sequence of steps and moves for a ballet or other performance of dance

 An example sentence: Their dance routines had been carefully choreographed so there would be no mistakes



The education, work, science and art vocabulary found here will help you write about the topic or talk about it in the test. It may also help with your reading if these topics come up


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